Blog Business Cool Stuff

Useful Snapchats for Business

The following is by no means a comprehensive list but are just a handful of particularly interesting Snapchats I follow from successful entrepreneurs where I think they’ve posted particularly useful content (in no particular order):

  • tailopez1: Tai Lopez – business and life
  • msuster: Mark Suster – VC  good for deal-making
  • justinkan: Founder of Twitch/Justin.TV & YC cominator partner
  • peterqnguyen: Peter Nguyen – entrepreneur
  • tuan.vy: Tuan Vy – entrepreneur
  • howemoney: Steve Howe – entrepreneur
  • commirza18: Com Mirza – entrepreneur/investor
  • hackapreneur: Justin Wu – entrepreneur


  • I follow other successful entrepreneurs but they may not post as much content related to business.  For example, I follow Chris Sacca, a very smart VC, but he doesn’t post a lot of business related content.
  • I particularly like it when they summarize important business lessons or highlight an important chapter of a book they are reading.
  • I might add to the list as I go along; this a dynamic list
  • My own snapchat is not very useful as I’m somewhat private and have no need to build a large following yet

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To Solve a Big Problem Follow The Funding

To find out how to solve a big problem, connect with those already spending millions of dollars trying to solve it.

Many people want to solve a problem but those who are investing in the ideas will likely have the best idea of how to solve the problem.


AI Research Tools I Want

I’d like an artificial intelligence tool to do things such as following:

  1. AI Best/Newest Research: Tell me “Best/newest supported research” about [X topic]  where you can keep track of industry trends related to things like disease research. Instead of research many sites related to promising research, this AI tool will sort and suggest the most promising idea.
  2. AI Unsolicited Advice: “What are the top things I should do and not do?” which lists a list of top life priorities and tells me what I should consider and provide complete action steps (eg. What type of food should I be eating or stop eating?)
  3.  AI Human Recommendation: Who can help me solve X problem? This could be solved in several ways including the following:
    1. An AI Recruiter: Someone that researches profiles on places like LinkedIn and helps you find someone with the best fit based on experience, and references
    2. AI Job Interviewer: This would be an AI that actively contacts and interviews people on your behalf to find the right person

If you can build something related to the above, I’d like to speak with you and can help you secure funding.


What is the Most Powerful Emotional Experience?

Why People Conform (from Simon Black):

“Two Dutch scientists had conducted an experiment in which they exposed test subjects to a wide range of scenarios to evoke some of the most primal human emotions– joy, anger, etc.

Subjects were hooked up to an electro-encephalogram (EEG) in order to quantitatively measure their brains’ cognitive response to powerful emotions.

And the results were pretty conclusive: the most powerful emotional experience, as measured by the sheer volume of human brain activity and neurological reaction, was humiliation. “

To change the world, you have to get over humiliation and believe in yourself.