
Why I Prefer Email

I like email. It’s not my intention to be difficult but to serve you better.  Therefore, please email first.

The following is why I often prefer email to other forms of communication:

1) I can manage a high volume of data in the following ways:

a) Searching conversations: I can search by conversations, keywords, dates, names, etc.

b) Storage: Data is clearly stored in a logical manner

c) Avoids the need to double record data

d) Avoids the need to play “phone tag” with voicemails

e) Calls usually take longer than emails to convey the same data

f) Unplanned/unexpected calls can be distracting

g) Some calls without clear agendas take too long

Still, a call can be an effective means of contact if it is scheduled and there’s a clear agenda.  It also prevents a delay in communication with time-sensitive issues.

Thank you.

By Leon Apel

Leon Apel works virtually with talented team members from North America, Europe and Asia on projects designed to improve life on earth.

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