Daily Affairs

How to Get Tourists

It’s amazing that some countries turn away big business and act unfriendly to tourists whereas other countries are accepting and welcoming to do business.  I’ve found Singapore is the most tourist friendly country in the world. I encourage the public sector and private sector to visit the country firsthand

Many countries have wealthy tourists who will add value to your society.

Countries that want to attract tourists should do the following:

  • Get Feedback from Tourists: In Singapore you can rate how well the security did, how clean the bathrooms are, and more.
  • Multilingual Support: Have staff available who speak major languages fluently.
  • Fast Internet and Mobile Connections: I’ve travelled to a country that didn’t have internet in their airport. It doesn’t make sense to travel to countries with poor infrastructure
  • Private Sector Transportation Options: I’ve visited a country where the only available taxi option was a government owned company. It was not well run compared to private companies like Lyft and Uber.
  • Respectful Security Staff: There should be accountability and communication.
  • Allow people to pay for expedited services. Some people will pay for the convenience of being pre-screened.
  • Payment Options: I’ve visited a country where they didn’t accept credit cards or US dollars. They only allowed payment in their airport in their local currency. This is quite inconvenient.
  • Make the Visa Process Reasonable for Tourists willing to pay to visit your country. There are countries where you can buy a passport for $100,000s-$1,000,000. Instead of forcing people to pay this, I’m sure many tourists would pay countries annual fees or even upfront fees for the ability to easily enter countries without hassle.


By Leon Apel

Leon Apel works virtually with talented team members from North America, Europe and Asia on projects designed to improve life on earth.

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