Cool Stuff

Frozen Smoke AKA Aerogel: “It is the greatest insulator we’ve ever seen”

Scientists are working to discover new applications for the substance, ranging from the next generation of tennis rackets to super-insulated space suits for a manned mission to Mars.   Mark Krajewski, a senior scientist at the company, believes that an 18mm layer of aerogel will be sufficient to protect astronauts from temperatures as low as -130C. “It is the greatest insulator we’ve ever seen,” he said.

This goes in my cool stuff category…I wouldn’t be surprised if the same NASA scientists who rediscovered this are simply back-engineering the technology from recovered UFOs. . 🙂



“Should Michael Jordan Mow His Own Lawn?” – Economics 020

Most people understand appreciate that Time = Money.    I’m writing this post to definitively and publicly commit myself to live with the time-money tradeoff in mind.   Sometimes, I need to smack myself for this… One of the most powerful simple questions posed by my Economics 020 (introductory Economics) textbook that demonstrates this concept was the following:

"Should Michael Jordan Mow His Own Lawn?"

One of my biggest mistakes is not treating my time at it’s fair value.  I do stupid money saving tactics…


"A penny saved is a penny earned"   I disagree with the end meaning of this phrase 95% of the time due to the context in which it is being used.   Most people who say this have spent too much time, in my opinion, to come up with their savings.

Let’s Break it down…

Give your time a value and don’t use your CURRENT TIME VALUE.  Give yourself an ESTIMATED LIFETIME VALUE/HOUR.   For example, I’ll use $500/hour based on an estimated annual earnings of $5,000,00/year.

As a result:

If the penny saved is worth more than $500/hour then you should do it.  Thus, if it takes you 1 hour to find a $100 off coupon for your next flight by browsing the Internet — then you have lost $400 in that hour.  

This Seems Like A Simple Concept — But, I Still Finding Myself Taking 1 Hour to Research Whether or Not to Buy a $500 Piece of Software?   I Will Just Buy It From Now On…as long as I get still afford it with a stretched short-term budget, which consists of savings and loans.

There are many factors in this equation that need to be taken into consideration besides money such as the decision’s affect on:

– non-monetary reasons (eg. helping family): Suze Orman, a personal finance advisor with a TV show, has a great quote that goes something like, "People, then money, then things."  I think that’s a great philsophy.
short-term budget: Of course, there is the obvious assumption that you won’t BREAK YOUR SHORT-TERM budget.  For instance, you don’t want to live like a rockstar now because you’re worth $500/hour if you’ll go bankrupt.  However, you SHOULD STRETCH YOUR BUDGET AS FAR AS POSSIBLE.

Take out loans.  I took out a student loan with 6.75% that I took out for fun.   I don’t REALLLLLLLY need it, but it allows me to invest.

I took an investment of $23.50 in 1 day and made $644 a few days ago.   That’s a whopping 2,740% ROI.   Yes, I’m kind of saying it to brag.  This was my 2nd highest day in terms of earning in my life next to my $755 day I made in sales when I was 18.

Great Takeaways from Tim Ferris’ The Four Hour Work Week

Some great takeways:

– Don’t Live the "Deferred Life Plan"

– Outsource non-core areas of your life — haha, maybe you want to hold off the outsourced dating part

– Allot time to do important tasks and ask yourself, "If I had only 2 hours in a day–what do I really need to do?"

Good luck.

Cool Stuff

Aubrey De Grey – Is Aging A “Problem” that Can Be Overcome?

I think Aubrey De Grey is well beyond our time in thought leadership.   In other words, Aubrey is a great visionary.

He shattered my paradigm about the myth of aging and the thought that "aging" was uncontrollabe.

One of his key mantras is that aging is a problem — a challenge that can be overcome.  He promotes life extension and is performing research to treat the "problem of aging."   I’m going to post this video on my blog becauuse it’s of interest to me:





Amazing.   He has a great picture understanding of the issue and his opposition.  He’s the Christopher Colombus of Aging.



How I Went From Average Joe Salesperson to #1 in Canada for Direct Sales

Let’s face it: sales can be intimidating.    When I first picked up the phone as a 16 year telemarketer and called my first client, I felt like I was going to die of a panic attack.   If my desire to make money so that I could become a debt-free University graduate was not there as a motivator, I might have taken the easy way.

I might have quit.

Well, I stuck to it and I was fortunate to have two great teachers who sat beside and — Rohit Sharma and Anjit (last name?). 

Lesson 1: Mentors are crucial.   Learn from the best and Model/Reverse-Engineer Them.  I studied my mentors thoroughly and incorporated many of the things I thought they "incredible" at into my phone calls.   After two months of working there, I was ranked #2 out of 100 employees for  Quality score–where my phone calls where monitored for quality compliance as we sold insurance–and was in the top 5 sales performers.  

Lesson 2: Measure it–what you measure can be improved.   I soon made it to #1 for quality, which stuck for several months as I just asked quality controllers what it took to get a #1 score.

After finding a better paying face to face sales job with an outsourced sales firm selling home for service on behalf of Rogers Telecom, my fear of selling and essentially SCREWING UP in front of a customer crept back in.

Face-to-face felt twice as scary because if I messed up, I’d be putting myself on the line and have the person I was speaking to see it for themselves.   For the first 3-5 days of selling face to face, I felt like absolute crap each day.   I’d  work 10 hour days and make $0 unless I performed.   It was PURE COMMISSION.   This scared many people away.  In fact, we had about a 75% turnover rate at our office in Hamilton, Ontario due to the high stress nature of the job.   About 50% of people who joined quit within 7 days.  



I grew to love the challenge because the upside was huge.  I idolized the top performers at out our office and how they could pull in a cool $1000/week.  "How awesome is that?"    I want to pull my first $1000 week.   

Side note: Face to face sales is far more impressive than phone sales because you have to have more than just a great voice and ability to lead a conversation.   I was absolutely amazed when I had my manager at the time, Scott,  make 6 sales  * $35/sale = $210/day on my first day of training after bantering with customers, building rapport, and making statements to middle-aged woman like, "How’s it going?  Is your mom or day home?"  He kept it nice and playful.

Scott’s style was fantastic and was quite different from my super-professional, rigid style I became so accustomed to.  

Lesson 3: Learn Your Winning Style.   After persisting for two weeks, and publicly announcing that I wanted to earn 6 sales/day to get $1000 weeks, I finally did it by week 3.   I went out in the "field" with the top performers and learned the tricks of the trade.  

What was my style? 
I’d be humorous at first to show I wasn’t a mindless drone, but immediately I’d describe the unique selling proposition and believe 100% that every person I spoke to needed to change their phone service.   I told them that too.   As a joke, if someone said no, I’d say, "No one has ever said that to me before" with a deadpan face…haha  Sometimes it worked and sometimes it was good for a laugh, but I truly felt that way.

I literally believed I had one of the highest stress jobs in the world.   The cold approach was scary.  I got over it  when a huge carrot was dangled in front of my face in early June 2005….

The Top 5 salespeople in the nation would be flown to California on an all-expense paid trip to meet with some big direct name marketers along with $500US spending cash (when the US$ was somewhat important…*SHAKES FIST*).

So, I took action because I wanted the prize.   I was not the #1 performer but I was up there.   Scott (again, my manager) took me out for lunch one day and we had a recap of my progress to see where I could improve.   Together, Scott and I wrote down a set of 5 or more goals.   We wrote about 3 together and I filled out the rest in private. 

I set out unusually high goals that I believe were unattainable.  Some of them include:

– # 1 in sales in Canada

– winning the trip to California

– being promoted to a leadership position

– making over $1000/week and more….

Lesson 4: Write Down Your Goals.   Announce It to the World and Get Passionate About It.   We had a custom at the office where we announced our daily goals.  I used to joke around say with suspense and a pause, "Today.   My goal is….to have a fantastic lunch.   Success follows a great lunch."  I was not entirely kidding.   Eating a  great lunch as opposed to junk food did make me feel better throughout the day.

Back to the point…I began announcing my goals and I truly meant them.  I told everyone that I wanted to become #1.    I suspect some people were afraid to make that goal public because they didn’t want to publicly fail.   I felt that either way, my performance was going to be put in a public spotlight during the course of the month long competition, so I decided to go for it and make myself proud.   I wanted an accomplishment that I could look back to and be proud that I accomplished what I started with no regrets.

Lesson 5: Don’t Lose Focus.   On that thought….stay tuned for part 2.   I’m not going to pretend I intentionally planned to stop here.  I just don’t want to write this much in a day as I want to get back to a project…also known as FOCUS.  

Stay tuned for part 2 where I tell you how I put my performance on steroids during the course of the competition (without injecting anything into myself or dealing with, ahem, shrinkage).   Thanks for reading.


Contractor Offer: The Online Marketplace for Local Contractors

My friends and I will soon be launching The Online Marketplace for Local Contractors

This is both a New Venture Project for the Richard Ivey School of Business and venture we plan to carry out.