Biotechnology/Medical Blog

Better Healthcare Marketplace is Needed

Better healthcare marketplaces are needed.

Challenge Solution
Needs to incorporate human longevity approaches Provide a clinic that provides options to a decentralized network of human longevity providers
Currently, it’s a blackbox in terms of selecting best practices, transparency of data, and accountability over decisions made Rank top practices, subject to peer review. Share data in the cloud. Provide feedback/biomarkers throughout the process.
Cost Create a competitive network. Competition is mostly based on a select geographic region
Reduce Risk/errors Standardize and automate procedures. Share data on the cloud
Difference of Opinions between experts Apply second opinions and peer reviewed research.
Needs Remote Options Provide accessibility via web/mobile/IOT
Insurance providers have misaligned incentives and claims process is not smooth. Provide alternative payment plans/better options.

Politics, a Charitable Endeavor for Successful Individuals

I’m a fan of the answer below.
Johnson: “What was your greatest reservation saying yes?” Rex Tillerson: “Senator when I went through all of the analysis, all of the reasons for saying no, which was your question were all selfish reasons so I had no reason to say no” – Rex Tillerson:
Also, I’m a fan of Rex Tillerson’s skills in diplomacy and building a friendship with potential partners.

Traits of Highly Successful Tech Entrepreneurs

The following traits of some highly successful young entrepreneurs I know:

  • They like to test new platforms and hack around
  • They like to be early adopters
  • They like to build things
  • They often have good communication skills
  • They are often persusasive
  • They are willing to take calculated, high probability risks
  • They do big picture thinking
  • They are more open to rejection; they’re rebellious and won’t stop at the first “no”
  • Sometimes, they like to push the boundaries of what’s allowed
  • They like to test limits
  • They successful ones often track financials closely
  • They are confident they can find a path to success
  • They are confident they can compete successfully
  • They strike a good balance between persistence and being open to pivot

Why are Priorities Not Followed?

It appears that many people are unwilling to drop out, “cancel plans” or make sacrifices in order to focus on solving major problems. It appears like inertia.

I think it’s useful to make change a habit to progress/move forward.

Get in the habit of change.

Biotechnology/Medical Blog

Potential CRISPR Healthspan applications

Potential CRISPR Healthspan applications:

  • TFAM (Transcription Factor A, Mitochondrial) – gene engineering allows cells to manufacture a nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) precursor on their own
    • Allows “overall rejuvenation, including reversal of signs of muscle atrophy, inflammation, and insulin resistance”
  • GDF11 (growth differentiation factor 11) – GDF11 has been reported to rejuvenate the heart, muscles, and brain: “GDF11 has been reported to rejuvenate the heart,8 muscles,9 and brain.10 It restores strength, muscle regeneration, memory, the formation of new brain cells, blood vessel formation in the brain, the ability to smell, and mitochondrial function. All of this is done by just one molecule. Infusing young plasma, which contains GDF11, into older animals also provides benefits in other tissues, such as the liver and spinal cord, and improves the ability of old brain cells to form connections with one another.”
  • Targeting genes related to muscles and bones

“We’ve shifted from trying to make a young animal live longer to rejuvenating an old animal to a younger state. This is a complete shift in perspective. When people originally thought about aging, they assumed it had a lot to do with accumulation of mutations, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Genetically, your genome is intact. There are no mutations that are causing the aging process. What’s going on when you age is that you get this drift in the regulation of these gene networks so that you have a cell that’s supposed to be, say, a skin cell, but then it starts expressing genes that it’s not supposed to be expressing.” – Dr. Bobby Dhadwar