
Applying Artificial Intelligence to Solve Problems

We have amazing technology capable of organizing data, predicting behavior and reasoning. I think the potential applications of this behavior will inevitably change how humans interact with the world.

With around seven billion people on the planet, there’s at least 99% chance that another human being is better than you and I at almost every physical, or intellectual task.

It’s logical then that humans should allow those with the best reasoning skills to solve the world’s most challenging problems.

Instead of spending hours and guesstimating an optimal outcome, I think humans should immediately insist on applying artificial intelligence to make optimal decisions.

Especially since some problems involve multiple levels of reasoning, and combining many data sets, I think it’s essential to apply artificial intelligence technology like IBM Watson to solve the world’s biggest problems.

Artificial intelligence can help humans speed up the pace of innovation and come up with more optimized outcomes.

Some sample applications include the following:

  • Weather Management: Deciding objectively with global warming or global cooling is taking place. Learning which factors are contributing the most to global cooling/warming and ensuring the world stays balanced
  • Energy: Solving energy problems by having a computer figure out the best way to optimize and integrate renewable energy resources
  • Biotechnology/Health Care: Helping humans stay healthier
  • Food and water management/nutrition: Deciding on the best ways to keep people healthy and manage food and water supplies.

By Leon Apel

Leon Apel works virtually with talented team members from North America, Europe and Asia on projects designed to improve life on earth.

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