
Due Diligence and Time Wasters

It appears that many people don’t know what “allegedly” means.

It appears that many people believe opinions, even without proper evidence.

If someone is accused of something, they should be presumed innocent.

Due to flaws in the legal system, wasting time addressing every false allegation is a waste of time.

It’s a tragedy that some lawyers, who are supposed to understand this concept best, also prejudge. Maybe this is a human flaw that humans believe negative opinions more than positive ones.

Some humans are predictably irrational

Before judging an allegation, get empirical evidence and references.

Instead of wasting time with ill-informed individuals who don’t perform proper due diligence, it’s best to stay positive andĀ solve problems in society.

Surround yourself with smart, positive people.

By Leon Apel

Leon Apel works virtually with talented team members from North America, Europe and Asia on projects designed to improve life on earth.

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